Home / Visa / VISA TO KYRGYZSTAN / Diplomatic missions of foreign countries in the Kyrgyz Republic

Diplomatic missions of foreign countries in the Kyrgyz Republic

Diplomatic missions of foreign countries in the Kyrgyz Republic

Diplomatic mission of Address/Telephone/Fax
Australia 10a/2, Podkolokolny pereulok, Moscow
Phone: (+7 495) 956 60 70, 956 61 70
Austria Austria, Vienna, Minoriten platz 8, A-1014,
Phone: + 435 01150 3501
Fax: + 435 01159 323
Azerbaijan Republic 41, Shukurova street
Phone: 51 07 70
Fax: 51 31 72
Republic of Albania Turkish Republic, Ankara, Chankaya district, Abuziya Tevfik17
Phone: +90312 441-6103
Fax: 441 6109
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria 6, Murtazaeva str., Tashkent
Phone: + 998 71 134 17 74
Fax: + 998 71 120 62 75
Republic of Argentina 72, Bolshaya Ordynka, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 502 10 20
Fax: +7 495 502 10 21
Republic of Armenia 109, Begalieva str., Almaty
Phone/Fax: 007 (7272) 91-72-96, 91-16-75, 91-60-24
Islamic Republic of Afganistan 210, Gorkogo str., Bishkek
Tel.: 69-01-76
Fax: 69-03-30
People’s Republic of Bangladesh 17, Kunaeva 1st Str., Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 152 26 92
Fax: +998 71 120 67 11
Republic of Belarus 210, Moskovskaya Str., Bishkek
Phone: 65-13-65
Fax: 65 11 77
Kingdom of Belgian Astana/Kazakhstan
Republic of Bulgaria 128, 8th Gvardeiskaya diviziya, Gorny gigant, Almaty
Phone: +7(3272) 62-99 17
Fax: +(3272) 62-99 56
Bosnia and Herzegovina 50/1, Mosfilmovskaya Str., Moscow
Phone: +7 495 147 64 88
Fax: +7 495 147-64-89
Federative Republic of Brazil 14/12, Suvorova str., Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: +38-044 280 63 01
Fax: +38 044 280 95 68
Apostolic Nunciate (Vatican) 20, Zelenaya Alleya, Chubary district, Astana
Phone: +7 3172 241604, 241269
Fax: 241604
United Kingdom and the North Ireland 62, Kosmonavtov Str., Astana
Phone: +7 3172 556200, 50-61-92
Fax: 55-62-12/11Consular agency in Almaty
173, Furmanova Str., Almaty
Phone: 007 3272 2506191
Fax: 2507432
Republic of Hungary 4, Musabaeva str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 55 16 02, 55-13-08,55 12 06
Fax: 55-18-37
Socialistic Republic of Vietnam 100, Rashidova str., Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 135 64 93, 134 45 41
Fax: 120-62-65
Federal Republic of Germany 28, Razzakova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 66 66 24, 66 19 75, 90 50 00
Fax: 66-66-30
Hellenic Republic 216/1, Prospect Dostyk, Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 50 39 61, 503962
Fax: 503938
Georgia С-4, Diplomatic Town, Astana
Phone: +7 3172 24 32 58
Fax: +7 3172 24 34 26
Kingdom of Denmark 9, Prechistenskiy pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 775 01 90
Fax: 775 01 91
Arab Republic of Egypt 80, Mohammed Haidar Dulati Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 69 17 13, 69 17 09
Fax: 69 16 47
Republic of Zambia 52″a”, Prospect Mira, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 688-50-01, 688-50-92
Fax: 975 20 56
State of Israel 87, Zheltoksan Str., Almaty
Phone:. +7 3272 50-72-15 /16 /17
Fax: 50-62-83
Republic of India 15-а, Aeroportinskaya Str., Bishkek
Phone: 54-92-14, 59-57-65
Fax: 54-32-45
Republic of Indonesia 73, Ya. Gulyamova Str., Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 132 02 36, /37/38
Fax: +998 71 133 05 13, 120 65 40
Hashemite Kingdom of Iordan 9, Farhatskaya Str., Tashkent
Phone: +998 712 74 24 79
Fax: 120 66 44
Islamic Republic of Iran 36, Razzakova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 62 49 17, 62 49 29
Fax: 66 02 09
Republic of Ireland 5, Groholny pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 937 59 11
Fax: 975 20 66
Republic of Island 28, Hlebny pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 956-76-04
Fax: 956-76-12
Kingdom of Spain 102, Baitursynova Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 50-09-06,07
Fax: 50-35-30
Italian Republic

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Giorgio Fiacconi

62, Kosmonavtov Str., Astana
Phone: +7 3172 91-03-07, 91-03-14, 91-03-15
Fax: 910312155, Chui Prospect, Bishkek
Phone: 681229
Fax: 68 07 69
Republic of Yemen 2, Fethie Str., Ankara
Phone: +90 312 446 26 37, 446 31 78
Fax: +90 312 446 17 78

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Tazabekov Marat Kasymbekovich

34, Karasay Batyra, Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 501151/52/53
Fax: 58-24-93189, Moskovskaya Str., Bishkek
Phone: 65 05 06
Fax: 65 01 01
Republic of Kazakhstan 95а, Prospect Mira, Bishkek
Phone: 69 21 01
Fax: 69 20 94
Republic of Cyprus

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Yuldashev Alexander Kadyrovich

9, Povarskaya Str., Moscow
Phone: +7 495 744 29 4460, Isanova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 66 06 25
Fax: 65 92 30
Chinese People’s Republic 196, Toktogula str., Bishkek
Phone: 621905
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 95A, Usman Nasyra, Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 50 59 44
Fax: 152 63 15
Republic of Korea 67/8, Matrosova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 56-02-71, 57-59-23, 57-97-74
Fax: 57-60-04
Republic of Cuba 27-2, Kabanbay Batyr, Astana
Phone: +7 3172 24 24 67
Fax: 24 26 38
State of Kuwait Guan Hua Lu, Beijing
Phone: +86 10 65-32-23-74; 65-32-12-72
Republic of Latvia

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Tazabekov Arstanbek Cholponbaevich

16a, Lashkarbegi Str., Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 137 22 15
Fax: 120 70 3689, Shopokova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 28 43 75
Fax: 28 46 67
Republic of Lithuania

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Vidugiris Stasys Algimantasovich

15, Iskanderova Str., microdistrict Gorny Gigant, Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 93 46 06, 53 25 05
Fax: +7 3272 93 51 5322, Razzakova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 470000, 919300
Republic of Macedonia 30/2, Filistin, Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara
Phone: +90 312 446 92 04/05
Fax: +90 312 446 92 06
Malaysia 28, Mariam Yakubova Str., Yakkasaray district, Tashkent
Phone: +998 71 133 32 49, 115-27-31, 115-32-27
Fax: 133-32-71
Kingdom of Marocco 11, Rabat, Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara
Phone: +90 312 437 60 20, 437 60 21
Fax: +90 312 447 14 05,446 84 30
United Mexican States 41, Golfam Str., Teheran
Phone: +98 21 220 575 90
Fax: +98 21 220 575 89
Republic of Moldavia

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Dudin Vladimir Vasilievich

15, 520 kvartal, prospect Gusseina Djavida, Azerbaijan Republic
Phone: +99 412 510 15 38
Fax: +99 412 403 52 9149, Turusbekova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 21 35 68
Fax: 61 09 21
Mongolia 1, Musabaeva Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 69 35 36, 69 35 70
Fax: 58-17-27
Kingdom of Nepal 14/7, 2nd Novopalimovskiy pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 244-02-15, 241 69 43
Fax: 244 00 00
Kingdom of the Netherlands

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Bernard Leo Bervers

103, Nauryzbay Batyr, Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 50-37-73
Fax: 50-37-7296, Tynystanova Str., Bishkke
Phone: 69 05 65
Fax: 69 05 65
New Zealand 44, Povarskaya, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 956 35 79
Fax: 956-35-83
Kingdom of Norway 7, Povarskaya Str., Moscow
Phone: +7 495 933 14 15
Fax: 933 14 11
Sultanat Oman 12 Tandis Str., Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +98 21 220 568 31, 220 576 41
Fax: +98 21 220 446 72
Islamic Republic of Pakistan 37, Serova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 62 17 11, 62 16 99, 62 17 02, 62 17 25
Fax: 66 15 50
State of Palestine 50, Imom At-Termezi, Tashkent
Phone: +998 712 54 94 18, 53 10 17
Fax: +998 712 53 10 17
Republic of Poland 9-11/13, Zharkentskaya Iskanderova Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 581551, 581617
Fax: 581550
Portuguese Republic 1/3, Botanicheskiy pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 981 34 10
Fax: +7 495 981 34 16
Russian Federation 17, Razzakova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 624742, 624736, 624738,624739
Fax: 621823
Republic of Romania 97, Pushkina Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 61 57 72, 61 24 31
Fax: 58-83-17
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 137, Gornaya str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 50 28 71, 71 53 04
Fax: 50 28 11
Serbia and Chernogoria 46, Mosfilmovskaya Str., Moscow
Phone: +7 495 147 42 21
Fax: +7 495 937 96 15
Sirian Arabic Republic 4, Mansurovskiy pereulok, Moscow
Tel.: +7 495 203 15 21, 203 15 28
Fax: 956 31 91
Slovak Republic

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Gusarov Igor Konstantinovich

5, Karaotkel microdistrict, Astana
Phone: +7 3172 24 11 91
Fax: 24 20 4893, Kievskaya Str., Bishkek
Phone: 66 64 01, 66 64 08
Fax: 66 15 25
Slovenia 14, Malaya Dmitrovka Str., building 1, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 737 33 98
Fax: 200-15-68
Tajikistan 36, Karadarinskaya Str., Bishkek
Phone: 51-14-64, 51 25 87
Fax: 51 23 43
Republic of Turkey 89, Moskovskaya Str.
Phone: 62-23-54, 62-03-78
Fax: 66 05 19
Uzbekistan 213, Tynystanova Str.,
Phone: 66 20 65
Fax: 66 44 03
Ukraine 150, Panfilova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 66 55 90
Fax: 66 20 12
the Philippines 6, Karmanitskiy pereulok, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 241 05 64/65 241 26 30
Finland MFA of Finland, Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 1605 65 39
Fax: +358 9 1605 55 58

Consular agency/ Cooperation Office in Bishkek

173, Furmanova Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 58-25-04, 58-25-08
Fax: 58-25-0949, Razzakova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 66-00-53, 66-03-64
Fax: 66-04-41
USA 171, Prospect Mira, Bishkek
Phone: 551241(42; 43; 44)
Fax: 777201(02;03), 551264
Czech Republic

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Onischenko Igor Vladimirovich

212, Dostyk Str., Almaty
Phone: +7 3272 64 16 06, 64 17 03
Fax: +7 3272 64 49 9766a, K.Akiev Str., Bishkek
Phone: 65 92 29
Fax: 65 92 30

Consular agency/ Swiss Cooperation Office in Kyrgyzstan

4, tupik 1, Usmon Nosir Str., Tashkent
Tel.: +998 71 120 67 38, 120 67 39/40
Fax: 120 62 59144, Panfilov str., Bishkek
Tel.: 66 64 80
Fax: 66 64 53

Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Mamyrov Nurlan Usenovich

Швеция, г.Стокгольм, ул.Густав Адолфса 1
Тел. +46 8 405 34 32,405 10 00 Факс +46 8 723 11 76114 – 407, Chui Prospect, Bishkek
Phone: 62 70 10
Fax: 66 10 49
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka F6/4, 55 Str., 2C, Islamabad
Phone: 00 92 51-28-28-723, 28-28-725
Fax: 00 92 51-28-28-751
Republic of South Africa 27, Philistin Str., Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara
Phone: + 90 312 446 40 56
Fax: + 90 312 446 64 34
Japan 503, Frunze Str., Bishkek
Phone: 61-18-75
Fax: 61-18-82
Representative of European Commission 236, Abdumomunova Str., Bishkek
Phone: 901260
Fax: 901266