Diplomatic missions of foreign countries in the Kyrgyz Republic
Diplomatic mission of | Address/Telephone/Fax |
Australia | 10a/2, Podkolokolny pereulok, Moscow Phone: (+7 495) 956 60 70, 956 61 70 |
Austria | Austria, Vienna, Minoriten platz 8, A-1014, Phone: + 435 01150 3501 Fax: + 435 01159 323 |
Azerbaijan Republic | 41, Shukurova street Phone: 51 07 70 Fax: 51 31 72 |
Republic of Albania | Turkish Republic, Ankara, Chankaya district, Abuziya Tevfik17 Phone: +90312 441-6103 Fax: 441 6109 |
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria | 6, Murtazaeva str., Tashkent Phone: + 998 71 134 17 74 Fax: + 998 71 120 62 75 |
Republic of Argentina | 72, Bolshaya Ordynka, Moscow Phone: +7 495 502 10 20 Fax: +7 495 502 10 21 |
Republic of Armenia | 109, Begalieva str., Almaty Phone/Fax: 007 (7272) 91-72-96, 91-16-75, 91-60-24 |
Islamic Republic of Afganistan | 210, Gorkogo str., Bishkek Tel.: 69-01-76 Fax: 69-03-30 |
People’s Republic of Bangladesh | 17, Kunaeva 1st Str., Tashkent Phone: +998 71 152 26 92 Fax: +998 71 120 67 11 |
Republic of Belarus | 210, Moskovskaya Str., Bishkek Phone: 65-13-65 Fax: 65 11 77 |
Kingdom of Belgian | Astana/Kazakhstan |
Republic of Bulgaria | 128, 8th Gvardeiskaya diviziya, Gorny gigant, Almaty Phone: +7(3272) 62-99 17 Fax: +(3272) 62-99 56 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 50/1, Mosfilmovskaya Str., Moscow Phone: +7 495 147 64 88 Fax: +7 495 147-64-89 |
Federative Republic of Brazil | 14/12, Suvorova str., Kiev, Ukraine Phone: +38-044 280 63 01 Fax: +38 044 280 95 68 |
Apostolic Nunciate (Vatican) | 20, Zelenaya Alleya, Chubary district, Astana Phone: +7 3172 241604, 241269 Fax: 241604 |
United Kingdom and the North Ireland | 62, Kosmonavtov Str., Astana Phone: +7 3172 556200, 50-61-92 Fax: 55-62-12/11Consular agency in Almaty 173, Furmanova Str., Almaty Phone: 007 3272 2506191 Fax: 2507432 |
Republic of Hungary | 4, Musabaeva str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 55 16 02, 55-13-08,55 12 06 Fax: 55-18-37 |
Socialistic Republic of Vietnam | 100, Rashidova str., Tashkent Phone: +998 71 135 64 93, 134 45 41 Fax: 120-62-65 |
Federal Republic of Germany | 28, Razzakova Str., Bishkek Phone: 66 66 24, 66 19 75, 90 50 00 Fax: 66-66-30 |
Hellenic Republic | 216/1, Prospect Dostyk, Almaty Phone: +7 3272 50 39 61, 503962 Fax: 503938 |
Georgia | С-4, Diplomatic Town, Astana Phone: +7 3172 24 32 58 Fax: +7 3172 24 34 26 |
Kingdom of Denmark | 9, Prechistenskiy pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 775 01 90 Fax: 775 01 91 |
Arab Republic of Egypt | 80, Mohammed Haidar Dulati Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 69 17 13, 69 17 09 Fax: 69 16 47 |
Republic of Zambia | 52″a”, Prospect Mira, Moscow Phone: +7 495 688-50-01, 688-50-92 Fax: 975 20 56 |
State of Israel | 87, Zheltoksan Str., Almaty Phone:. +7 3272 50-72-15 /16 /17 Fax: 50-62-83 |
Republic of India | 15-а, Aeroportinskaya Str., Bishkek Phone: 54-92-14, 59-57-65 Fax: 54-32-45 |
Republic of Indonesia | 73, Ya. Gulyamova Str., Tashkent Phone: +998 71 132 02 36, /37/38 Fax: +998 71 133 05 13, 120 65 40 |
Hashemite Kingdom of Iordan | 9, Farhatskaya Str., Tashkent Phone: +998 712 74 24 79 Fax: 120 66 44 |
Islamic Republic of Iran | 36, Razzakova Str., Bishkek Phone: 62 49 17, 62 49 29 Fax: 66 02 09 |
Republic of Ireland | 5, Groholny pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 937 59 11 Fax: 975 20 66 |
Republic of Island | 28, Hlebny pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 956-76-04 Fax: 956-76-12 |
Kingdom of Spain | 102, Baitursynova Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 50-09-06,07 Fax: 50-35-30 |
Italian Republic
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
62, Kosmonavtov Str., Astana Phone: +7 3172 91-03-07, 91-03-14, 91-03-15 Fax: 910312155, Chui Prospect, Bishkek Phone: 681229 Fax: 68 07 69 |
Republic of Yemen | 2, Fethie Str., Ankara Phone: +90 312 446 26 37, 446 31 78 Fax: +90 312 446 17 78 |
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
34, Karasay Batyra, Almaty Phone: +7 3272 501151/52/53 Fax: 58-24-93189, Moskovskaya Str., Bishkek Phone: 65 05 06 Fax: 65 01 01 |
Republic of Kazakhstan | 95а, Prospect Mira, Bishkek Phone: 69 21 01 Fax: 69 20 94 |
Republic of Cyprus
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
9, Povarskaya Str., Moscow Phone: +7 495 744 29 4460, Isanova Str., Bishkek Phone: 66 06 25 Fax: 65 92 30 |
Chinese People’s Republic | 196, Toktogula str., Bishkek Phone: 621905 |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | 95A, Usman Nasyra, Tashkent Phone: +998 71 50 59 44 Fax: 152 63 15 |
Republic of Korea | 67/8, Matrosova Str., Bishkek Phone: 56-02-71, 57-59-23, 57-97-74 Fax: 57-60-04 |
Republic of Cuba | 27-2, Kabanbay Batyr, Astana Phone: +7 3172 24 24 67 Fax: 24 26 38 |
State of Kuwait | Guan Hua Lu, Beijing Phone: +86 10 65-32-23-74; 65-32-12-72 |
Republic of Latvia
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
16a, Lashkarbegi Str., Tashkent Phone: +998 71 137 22 15 Fax: 120 70 3689, Shopokova Str., Bishkek Phone: 28 43 75 Fax: 28 46 67 |
Republic of Lithuania
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
15, Iskanderova Str., microdistrict Gorny Gigant, Almaty Phone: +7 3272 93 46 06, 53 25 05 Fax: +7 3272 93 51 5322, Razzakova Str., Bishkek Phone: 470000, 919300 |
Republic of Macedonia | 30/2, Filistin, Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara Phone: +90 312 446 92 04/05 Fax: +90 312 446 92 06 |
Malaysia | 28, Mariam Yakubova Str., Yakkasaray district, Tashkent Phone: +998 71 133 32 49, 115-27-31, 115-32-27 Fax: 133-32-71 |
Kingdom of Marocco | 11, Rabat, Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara Phone: +90 312 437 60 20, 437 60 21 Fax: +90 312 447 14 05,446 84 30 |
United Mexican States | 41, Golfam Str., Teheran Phone: +98 21 220 575 90 Fax: +98 21 220 575 89 |
Republic of Moldavia
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
15, 520 kvartal, prospect Gusseina Djavida, Azerbaijan Republic Phone: +99 412 510 15 38 Fax: +99 412 403 52 9149, Turusbekova Str., Bishkek Phone: 21 35 68 Fax: 61 09 21 |
Mongolia | 1, Musabaeva Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 69 35 36, 69 35 70 Fax: 58-17-27 |
Kingdom of Nepal | 14/7, 2nd Novopalimovskiy pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 244-02-15, 241 69 43 Fax: 244 00 00 |
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
103, Nauryzbay Batyr, Almaty Phone: +7 3272 50-37-73 Fax: 50-37-7296, Tynystanova Str., Bishkke Phone: 69 05 65 Fax: 69 05 65 |
New Zealand | 44, Povarskaya, Moscow Phone: +7 495 956 35 79 Fax: 956-35-83 |
Kingdom of Norway | 7, Povarskaya Str., Moscow Phone: +7 495 933 14 15 Fax: 933 14 11 |
Sultanat Oman | 12 Tandis Str., Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran Tel.: +98 21 220 568 31, 220 576 41 Fax: +98 21 220 446 72 |
Islamic Republic of Pakistan | 37, Serova Str., Bishkek Phone: 62 17 11, 62 16 99, 62 17 02, 62 17 25 Fax: 66 15 50 |
State of Palestine | 50, Imom At-Termezi, Tashkent Phone: +998 712 54 94 18, 53 10 17 Fax: +998 712 53 10 17 |
Republic of Poland | 9-11/13, Zharkentskaya Iskanderova Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 581551, 581617 Fax: 581550 |
Portuguese Republic | 1/3, Botanicheskiy pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 981 34 10 Fax: +7 495 981 34 16 |
Russian Federation | 17, Razzakova Str., Bishkek Phone: 624742, 624736, 624738,624739 Fax: 621823 |
Republic of Romania | 97, Pushkina Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 61 57 72, 61 24 31 Fax: 58-83-17 |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | 137, Gornaya str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 50 28 71, 71 53 04 Fax: 50 28 11 |
Serbia and Chernogoria | 46, Mosfilmovskaya Str., Moscow Phone: +7 495 147 42 21 Fax: +7 495 937 96 15 |
Sirian Arabic Republic | 4, Mansurovskiy pereulok, Moscow Tel.: +7 495 203 15 21, 203 15 28 Fax: 956 31 91 |
Slovak Republic
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
5, Karaotkel microdistrict, Astana Phone: +7 3172 24 11 91 Fax: 24 20 4893, Kievskaya Str., Bishkek Phone: 66 64 01, 66 64 08 Fax: 66 15 25 |
Slovenia | 14, Malaya Dmitrovka Str., building 1, Moscow Phone: +7 495 737 33 98 Fax: 200-15-68 |
Tajikistan | 36, Karadarinskaya Str., Bishkek Phone: 51-14-64, 51 25 87 Fax: 51 23 43 |
Republic of Turkey | 89, Moskovskaya Str. Phone: 62-23-54, 62-03-78 Fax: 66 05 19 |
Uzbekistan | 213, Tynystanova Str., Phone: 66 20 65 Fax: 66 44 03 |
Ukraine | 150, Panfilova Str., Bishkek Phone: 66 55 90 Fax: 66 20 12 |
the Philippines | 6, Karmanitskiy pereulok, Moscow Phone: +7 495 241 05 64/65 241 26 30 |
Finland | MFA of Finland, Helsinki Phone: +358 9 1605 65 39 Fax: +358 9 1605 55 58 |
Consular agency/ Cooperation Office in Bishkek |
173, Furmanova Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 58-25-04, 58-25-08 Fax: 58-25-0949, Razzakova Str., Bishkek Phone: 66-00-53, 66-03-64 Fax: 66-04-41 |
USA | 171, Prospect Mira, Bishkek Phone: 551241(42; 43; 44) Fax: 777201(02;03), 551264 |
Czech Republic
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
212, Dostyk Str., Almaty Phone: +7 3272 64 16 06, 64 17 03 Fax: +7 3272 64 49 9766a, K.Akiev Str., Bishkek Phone: 65 92 29 Fax: 65 92 30 |
Consular agency/ Swiss Cooperation Office in Kyrgyzstan |
4, tupik 1, Usmon Nosir Str., Tashkent Tel.: +998 71 120 67 38, 120 67 39/40 Fax: 120 62 59144, Panfilov str., Bishkek Tel.: 66 64 80 Fax: 66 64 53 |
Honorary consul in the Kyrgyz Republic |
Швеция, г.Стокгольм, ул.Густав Адолфса 1 Тел. +46 8 405 34 32,405 10 00 Факс +46 8 723 11 76114 – 407, Chui Prospect, Bishkek Phone: 62 70 10 Fax: 66 10 49 |
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | F6/4, 55 Str., 2C, Islamabad Phone: 00 92 51-28-28-723, 28-28-725 Fax: 00 92 51-28-28-751 |
Republic of South Africa | 27, Philistin Str., Gazi Osman Pasha district, Ankara Phone: + 90 312 446 40 56 Fax: + 90 312 446 64 34 |
Japan | 503, Frunze Str., Bishkek Phone: 61-18-75 Fax: 61-18-82 |
Representative of European Commission | 236, Abdumomunova Str., Bishkek Phone: 901260 Fax: 901266 |